Learn German

Learn how to speak German with the best tutors from our academy.


Learn more about finances. How to manage and report!

Learn Albanian

Albanian language, one of the most difficult languages but also among the most beautiful languages to learn with us!

A Class Academy

A network of talents, educators and professional people!

Academic Papers

Our platform offers various academic writings such as essays, articles, research papers and various lessons.

HR Management

Learn how to manage the team and how to deliver the tasks through our trainings.

Learn English

Learn and improve your English language level with us. Book a lesson with the best English language instructors!

Play the violin

The violin, the queen of instruments, can now become your hobby as well. Learn how to play the violin with our instructor!

Play piano

Are you interested in learning how to play the piano beautifully? Book now and learn how to use your talent.

Online Coaching Courses

These free online coaching courses will teach you everything you need to know about coaching. Coaching is a form of counselling in which an experienced person supports a learner or client to achieve their goals through training and guidance. Coaches can be employed for professional skills, hobbies, or even personal growth. If you need to learn about coaching, this page is for you.

Book a video call with us NOW

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Our trainers

Fjolla Shala

German Language instructor

Krenare Gërguri

Make-up tutor / Make-up artist program

Nehale Mustafa

Financial / Audit officer

Skordiana Kukaj

English teacher Level A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1 (Communication program and academic papers program)

Njomza Sadriu

Trainer for Quality Assurance in Education

Available for a video call

Gresa Kuqi

English teacher Level A1, A2, B1, B2 and C1

Flaka Januzi

English teacher level - A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Dardan Osmanaj

Violin Instructor

Available for a video call


Albanian teacher - Level A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2

Available for a video call

Adela Hasanllari

English teacher - Level A1, A2, B1, B2


Piano instructor for all the levels

Available for a video call

Shkelzen Kelmendi

Team leader - trainer / coach

Available for a video call

Ardita Osmanaj

The founder and the leader of 'A Class Academy'

Available for a video call

Training & workshop programs

Coming soon: “Human resource management and social aspects in the workplace”


online coaching courses

Make-up classes

50 € / Hour

Learn about finances

20 € / Hour

Learn German

15 € / Hour

Play the violin

20 € / Hour

Play piano

20 € / Hour

Learn Albanian

15 € / Hour

Learn English

15 € / Hour

Our Partners

Talent school

Talenti School is one of the earliest private schools in the Durrës region, Albania. Our collaborations are in the area of staff management and program delivery.

Probalance LLC

Probilanc LLC, a company that provides accounting services and advice to various businesses and institutions. ProBilanc is a cooperation partner in the field of finance.

NOA Consulting

NOA Consulting is a company that provides consulting services. Our cooperation is in the field of consulting for businesses and other activities for management, quality assurance, compilation of projects and different trainings from these fields.